Thinking about joining us one of these weekends? Here’s what to expect, and some helpful tips for your first visit.

Visiting a new church can bring great excitement as well as anxiety. We’ve all been there. Part of that excitement and anxiety is finding your place in the life of a new church. This website is just one part of welcoming you into our church family, helping you understand our beliefs, worship, and life together.

What time are the services?

Sunday Worship - 10am

Adult Sunday School - 9am

Evening Bible Study - Wednesdays at 6pm

Kids Club - 10am

Nursery- 9am

What should I wear?

You will find everything from jeans to ties on Sundays at KHPC. That said, you should feel free to dress as casual or as formal as you desire. You will find brothers and sisters at KHPC who dress just like you do.

What do children and young families do during worship services?

Jesus told his disciples: “'Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' After taking them in his arms, he laid his hands on them and blessed them." (Mark 10:16-17 csb)

Just as Jesus modeled, we also believe that children of every age are a part of the church and we want them to have many opportunities to love God and love others.

  • During our 10am service we offer "Kids Club" for children to learn and grow
  • During the 9am Sunday School we provide Kids Care (outside in our playground; weather permitting)
  • During Wednesday Night Bible Study we provide Awanas
How do I get involved?