Church isn’t an event to attend — it’s a place to belong.
Join A KHPC LifeGroup Today!

God made us to be in community with other Christians.
We need each other, because we can do more, grow more, be more, and endure more when we’re walking through life together.

LifeGroups at Keystone Heights Presbyterian Church are places to build authentic relationships with people who will support you and love you, no matter what.

The leaders at KHPC want to see every attender and member in a spiritually healthy LifeGroup. Our church is passionate about getting people in groups and getting groups healthy.

Our LifeGroups are 3 or more people who meet together regularly to discuss the truths taught in each Sunday's sermon.

MEN'S LIFEGROUP (On-Campus): Wednesdays at 7:15am

WOMEN'S LIFEGROUP (On-Campus): Fridays at 10:00am

BLENDED LIFEGROUP (On-Campus): Sundays at 4:00pm 

BLENDED LIFEGROUP (Off-Campus): Every other Thursday @ 7:00pm 

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This is your sub-headline
Insert your content. Try to limit your content to a maximum of 2 - 3 sentences so that you don’t lose your readers interest. A great way to break up large amounts of text is to create additional blocks.
Take the KHPC Spiritual Health Assessment
Your Next Step Towards Spiritual Maturity